Thursday, April 17, 2008

Medications for Meniere's Disease

The following is a list of the medications that I have taken or still take for Meniere's Disease, including prescription, over-the-counter, vitamins, and herbals. I have never taken anything without my ENT doctor's approval. I include the medication name and what I think it's supposed to do, observations about effectiveness and side effects, and whether or not I plan to continue taking it.

Dramamine / Bromine / Antivert

These are common over-the-counter medications usually given for nausea and motion sickness. Dramamine and Bromine/Antivert are different chemicals but are similar in nature and apparently related to the drug in Benadryl. They are also usually given to people suffering from vertigo, particularly when nausea and vomiting is experienced. They are not to be taken regularly but rather only in the case of acute symptoms. I took both (not together) during the early stages of Meniere's. I do not believe that they helped me, and did not feel a difference when I stopped taking them. They make you drowsy, which actually might be a good thing early on. If I had been severely nauseated or vomiting, I likely would tell a different story about them. Considering that most of the improvement that Meniere's sufferers experience likely comes from the body's gradual adaptation to dizziness, it is actually detrimental to take these medications over the long term if they mask the vertigo symptoms. The body must experience vertigo in order to overcome it.

SERC / Betahistine

This is an anti-vertigo drug specifically for Meniere's and other balance disorder patients. It has been around since at least the early 1970s. I had read on several Meniere's forums a few personal accounts of the miraculous effects of this drug. Several people reported the total elimination of their dizziness after taking it. Adding to its allure is the fact that it is difficult to get in the United States. I mentioned it to my doctor and he said that he could get it for me from one pharmacy located about 50 miles from my house. I had to have it shipped to me and it cost about $80 for a monthly supply. After the first month I noticed no benefit from taking this drug. I was reluctant to fill the prescription for the second month given the cost and the drug's dubious value, but consulted with my doctor who said that some people have gotten relief. So I tried it for another month, but again did not notice any benefit, so I quit taking it.

Diuretics and low salt diet

Diuretics are a standard treatment for Meniere's Disease, and I have taken them consistently since about a month after onset. These drugs cause you to urinate excess fluids and as such are supposedly helpful for the body to regain or maintain an equilibrium in the fluids of the inner ear. I am not certain why diuretics are appropriate for the inner ear whereas decongestants are appropriate for the middle ear, even though I asked my doctor. Diuretics are also given to reduce blood pressure.

One dangerous side effect of diuretics is that they may cause an electrolyte imbalance, particularly a lower-than-optimal potassium level. Consequently you must get periodic blood tests to monitor your electrolyte levels. The first diuretic I took was a strong one, and I ended up with bad side effects from low potassium after about a month. I remember feeling muscle cramping and joint stiffness that quickly worsened. I called my doctor who said to consume potassium rich foods such as bananas and orange juice and to stop taking the drug. I drank three glasses of orange juice and ate two bananas and went back to bed. After a couple of hours the side effects were gone.

My doctor then put me on a less potent, "potassium-sparing" diuretic called Acetazolamide. I take 250 mg twice a day. I am still careful about my potassium, trying to eat at least one banana and plenty of other fresh fruits and vegetables every day. If I start to feel tingling in my fingers and hands after a bike ride, I know that I need to eat more potassium. One lesson I learned is to turn to your pharmacist rather than your doctor for specific advice and information about your medications. When I mentioned to my doctor the side effects of tingling fingers and low potassium, he said that I should not experience these because Acetazolamide is a potassium-sparing drug, so it must be from something else. But my pharmacist said these side effects are common and that eating potassium-rich foods is advisable.

I cannot honestly say whether or not the diuretics help because I have taken them consistently since my symptoms started. I have asked my doctor about going off them and he strongly advises against it. He said that he has had patients who got better and decided to quit diuretics and subsequently saw a return of their symptoms, in some cases worse than before. I do believe that if one were able to maintain a low salt diet consistently, diuretics would not be necessary. My doctor advised that I cut my salt intake to under 1000 mg a day, which is less than half of our average daily amount. It stands to reason that the benefits of diuretics and a low salt diet would be comparable, as one helps to rid the body of excess fluid and the other prevents it from being retained in the first place.

I tried the low salt diet for about a month but found it very difficult to measure and to maintain and also did not feel improvement beyond just taking the diuretic. Maintaining a low salt diet essentially means staying away from restaurants and all prepared foods and snacks. It also means cooking your food separetely from your family's, or remembering to salt theirs at the end of the preparation, after you have already served yourself. Furthermore, I love salt. Unsalted food is just no fun.

That said, I have a feeling that I will try the low salt diet again, this time in earnest. At some point I would LOVE to be off all prescription medication and can foresee an immense satisfaction coming from managing the disease myself rather than relying on medication.


My doctor prescribed a low dose a valium early in the disease to help with the vertigo attacks. I did not feel that the valium helped much and therefore did not ask for another prescription.


I read one nutritionist's view that Meniere's syndrome could result from a deficiency in certain B-complex vitamins. I purchased vitamins based on these recommendations and have been taking them ever since. Although I cannot compare my present condition to a time when I had Meniere's Disease and did not take the vitamins, I do not believe that they are helping me. I have decided that I will not buy more once they run out.


Most alternative medicine practitioners believe that gingkgo biloba improves blood flow and stimulates neuronal activity. I have seen it recommended specifically for Meniere's patients. I took it in capsule form for about two months and experienced no benefit, so I quit taking it.


I currently take 150 mg of Effexor daily. I started this about one month after onset of Meniere's. Effexor is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), similar to Paxil and Zoloft. It is used to treat anxiety and mild depression, both of which I was feeling in abundance at the beginning of this illness. I saw a counselor who diagnosed anxiety and episodic depression brought on by the Meniere's. (A psychiatrist must prescribe anti-depressants.) Although my ENT has not specifically recommended anti-depressants, he has indicated that he thought that it was a good idea that I was taking them.

I believe that the Effexor helped me greatly in the first four months or so of this disease. I recall one episode several weeks after onset where my wife was to leave town for a two day business trip, leaving me to take care of the kids myself. I recall feeling a nearly crippling level of terror at the prospect of having to do this, despite the fact that at this point my attacks were infrequent and manageable, and I could always have called a friend or neighbor if necessary. Yet I was still nearly catatonic with fear and apprehension. At this point I knew something was wrong and that I would likely benefit from counseling and medication.

Now that my Meniere's has stabilized and I am living a normal and active life, I do not feel that I will need to continue taking the anti-depressant for much longer. I feel as though I will be able to function just as well with regular counseling in place of medication.


The only drugs that I currently take and that I believe have helped me are the diuretic and the anti-depressant. I believe that the diuretic is useful but could be replaced by a rigorous low salt diet. I believe that the anti-depressant was most effective for me during the first few months of the disease and is becoming less and less necessary as the disease stabilizes and I am able to identify my own effective coping mechanisms.


suzan said...

nice article about potassium...very informative and beneficial for me...thanks

Tracy VB said...

Article address specific concerns about tingling in my fingers that my doctor said was not a side effect. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Anonymous said...

After 2 weeks you get used to food with out salt. infact you can taste the flavor of food better without salt.After one year I hate the taste of salt and any thing very salty makes my lips go numb There is no reason to avoid resturaunts just ask them not to use salt. I think it is ridiculous to be taking to be taking anti depressants and all those other drugs while taking much more sodium than necessary. I found vertigo gone and other symptoms much improved after dropping sodium from 1200mg to below 400mg, with no problems despite a minimium RDI of 500mg. Also found I need a minimuim of 3x1mg of serc, if that doesn't work keep doubljng it until it works.p I get ill if I forget to take the serc or eat any thing salty.

Anonymous said...

After 2 weeks you get used to food with out salt. infact you can taste the flavor of food better without salt.After one year I hate the taste of salt and any thing very salty makes my lips go numb There is no reason to avoid resturaunts just ask them not to use salt. I think it is ridiculous to be taking to be taking anti depressants and all those other drugs while taking much more sodium than necessary. I found vertigo gone and other symptoms much improved after dropping sodium from 1200mg to below 400mg, with no problems despite a minimium RDI of 500mg. Also found I need a minimuim of 3x1mg of serc, if that doesn't work keep doubljng it until it works.p I get ill if I forget to take the serc or eat any thing salty.

Joan Whitworth said...

I can fully comisarate regarding the utter terror of being left alone when recovering from a bout of virtigo / Meniers I became absolutey terrified totally stressed and anxious if my husband had to leave me, I did meditation, mindfulness , read all the books I could about panic attacks etc, which did help, decided to face the fear and do it anyway slowly but slowly I am ok now able to go out alone no stress when left alone thankfully. Done a lot of praying for courage and positivity along the way. On Serc which I have found to be great for me, given stemtil for bad attacks. Not had one since the first 3 months ago so can't comment on the benifit of them. On low caffieine and salt avoiding Sugur,

Unknown said...

You described my situation, perfectly! I'm sorry about your experience, but am relieved I'm not alone.
I dont like doctors or medicine.
I am glad there are natural treatments for this horrible, horrible condition.

Anonymous said...

Have you considered salt substitutes like "No Salt?" These contain mostly potassium and may solve two problems at once.

I'm on a diuretic. In April last year, I had trouble getting my prescription refilled, and didn't take it for a week. I then had a significant Meniere's attack (after having no problems for over a year).

jade said...

The authors found that women who had three or more alcoholic drinks each

Hayle Rodriguez said...

God bless Dr Kennedy for helping me with Meneiere's disease herbal remedy. With all my life i will forever be grateful to God Almighty for using Dr Kennedy to reach me when i thought it was all over. I'm Hayle Rodriguez, i was diagnosed of Meniere's disease 11 years ago just shortly after my 42nd birthday. I felt some forces on my right ear for just a day or two and it was over but It rolled back again after some weeks but this time it was more severe ear ringing and i get dizzy almost all time. My husband drove me to the ENT doctor who confirmed to me that i had Meniere's disease and only advised that i wait till more research is done for a possible cure. Just as the doctor said, my tinnitus and hearing loss permanently worsened on the affected ear because there wasn't a cure for it then. When i wasn't sure of what someone just said, i'll just smile and hoped it wasn't a question, my whole life became a mess as i couldn't relate with my own husband and children. I and my family searched and hoped for help until my friend told me about Dr Kennedy and how he helped cure her 4 months Pancreatic Cancer too. I contacted Dr Kennedy for help and explained my hearing loss to him through his email: . I must say I didn't actually believe her but she ask me to trust him and things would be OK. I did trusted him and after a couple of days he sent me medicines and dosage instructions. I started taking the herbal medicines as prescribed and my Meniere's disease got cured and disappeared just within 9 days. I still can't believe its gone. I say thank you, thank you, thank you so much Dr Kennedy. I also believe "In between Meniere's Disease is a thing called good life, that has to be lived and enjoyed" which is why i need everyone with Meniere's Disease to reach Dr Kennedy for help and herbal cures on or and +1 (312) 973 1164

Jonnie said...

Dr Kennedy is a sham. I emailed him and he replied "Yes i can help you. You are welcome to my help center, i am Dr Henry the chief consultant of this help center. I have received your message and I can help you too with the Meniere's disease cure herbal medicine. My herbal remedies for Meniere;s Diseases are made from pure natural herbs and roots which are guaranteed to get the disease totally and permanently cured off you. These herbal medicines are made from combinations of different natural herbs and mixtures, it has no side effects and I assure you of results within few days.
Do get back to me with details of you such as "Your Name.... Age.....Country.......State........Address......and Phone Number........." if you may want me to send you the herbal medicine for fast cure to Meniere's Disease.

Hello, i have received your details and i shall have the herbal medicines sent to you through the shipping service to your address with the instructions on how to take the them and the herbal medicine is cost $401.00 USD. shipping the herbal medicine from here to you may take 24 hours and you will start noticing the herbal medicines results in the next few days if you order as soon as possible. do get back to me so i can tell you how to proceed with getting the herbal medicine too if you may want me to send you the herbal medicine for fast cure to Meniere's Disease.
Dr Kennedy is Hayle Rodriguez!


But Dr. Itua, Traditional Herbal Practitioner in Africa, Have cured for HIV which is extracted from some rare herbals. It is highly potential to cure AIDS 100% without any residue. Dr Itua herbal medicine has already passed various blogs on how he use his powerful herbals to heal all kind of diseases such as. Herpes, HIV,,Cushing’s disease,Heart failure,Multiple Sclerosis,Hypertension,Colo_Rectal Cancer, Diabetes, Hepatitis,Hpv,Weak ErectionLyme Disease,Blood Cancer,Alzheimer’s disease,Bechet’s disease,Crohn’s disease,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Lung Cancer,Breast Cancer,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Blood Cancer,Prostate Cancer,siva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity,Brain Cancer,Breast Cancer,Lung Cancer,Kidney Cancer,Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Seizures,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,

Dementia.,Wart Remover,Cold Sore, Epilepsy, also his herbal boost immune system as well. I'm telling this because he uses his herbal medicine to cure me from hepatitis B and HIV, which i have being living for 9 months now with no side effect. The Herbal Medicine is just as good when drinking it although i have to use rest room after drinking it which I do not really care about because i just want to get the virus out of my body, I will recommend Dr Itua to anyone sick out here to contact Dr Itua with this following information. /
Whatsapp Or Call...+2348149277967.
He might be late to respond because he always busy with patent, but he will surely get back to you with positive response.

Joyce Hillary said...

All thanks to this great herbal doctor who cured me from (LUPUS DISEASE) his name is dr imoloa.  I suffered lupus disease for over 8 years with pains like: joints, Skin rash,  Pain in the chest,  swollen joints and many more.  The anti-inflammatory drugs couldn’t cure me, until I read about his recommendation. 2 months ago, I contacted him through his email address. . and he sent me the herbal treatment through DHL courier service and he instructed me on how to drink it for good two weeks. after then,  And I was confirmed cured and free at the hospital after taken his powerful herbal medications You too can be cured with it if interested, he also uses his powerful herbal healing medicine to cure disease like:parkison disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy,  Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease,  Back Pain,  Back Sprain,   Bipolar Disorder,  Brain Tumour,  Malignant,  Bruxism, Bulimia,  Cervical Disk Disease, cardiovascular disease, Neoplasms,  chronic respiratory disease,  mental and behavioural disorder,  Cystic  Fibrosis,  Hypertension, Diabetes, asthma,  Inflammatory autoimmune-mediated arthritis.  chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease, back pain,  impotence,  feta  alcohol spectrum,  Dysthymic Disorder,   Eczema, skin cancer,  tuberculosis,  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel  disease, bone cancer, lungs cancer,  mouth ulcer,  mouth cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis A.B.C.,   syphilis,  diarrhea,  HIV/AIDS,  Huntington's Disease,  back acne,  Chronic renal failure,   addison disease,  Chronic Pain,   Crohn's  Disease,   Cystic Fibrosis,  Fibromyalgia,   Inflammatory Bowel Disease,  fungal  nail disease, Lyme Disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major  Depression,  Malignant Melanoma,   Mania,  Melorheostosis,   Meniere's  Disease,  Mucopolysaccharidosis , Multiple Sclerosis,  Muscular  Dystrophy,  Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's Disease      Contacts him today  and get permanently cure. contact him via... email-  /whatssapp-+2347081986098.

katrina sharon said...

Hello everyone, i am here today on this forum giving a life testimony on how I was cured from HIV Virus while this may sound discouraging and people may not be-live that HIV CURE has be found,while i was once an HIV positive i live with this disease for more than years now, i have been to so many places for help including hospitals wasted money and times hoping that i was going to get cure but nor was able, until God use someone to cure me from this disease (HIV) true the help of a man called Dr osemu with his herbal root herbs medicine. while i don’t have much to say but to give thanks and praise to God almighty who use Sir Dr osemu to extend my life for what you have done for me DR, i will not stop thanking you because you put a smile on my face again.thanks once again if you are into similar problem or with any kind of diseases you can contact Sir Dr osemu on his mail or call him or whatsapp  on +2348108356068and i will not stop thanking you DR osemu for what you have done for me in my life, i will keep posting to the world for them to no that you are in existence , thanks for your audience and i hope you find help like i did for what he has done for me, if you are into similar problem like HERPES,HEPATITIS B,CANCER, not wast time to contact him now his WhatsApp +2348108356068 and his email

smith john said...

It’s obvious some patient with HERPES are been enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I have been with the virus since 2019 until I was introduce by a blogger who also narrated Her story online on how she was cured of Herpes after using Dr ISHIAKU Herbal Medicine. This is a year and 2 weeks since I was delivered from Herpes. All thanks to God for using this Great herbalist to heal me. I have promise to keep telling good about this. Please fill free to share Your problems with him. Thanks. Write him via call or whatsapp him on +2348180828544 or email   thank you once again sir

Tamara Barrow said...

There is a great herbal man called Dr voodoo who can cure Hepatitis B virus and other deadly diseases with the use of natural herbs to cure Hepatitis B virus problems. He is from Africa and he is a great doctor and he can also cure you as well if you are have the problem And other deadly disease and here is email address or Whatsapp +2348140120719 HERPES CURE,CANCER CURE,HIV/AIDS CURE,HPV CURE